

利记app官网 alumni Debbie Whalen smiling for her photo

在1978年的夏天, many of Debbie Whalen’s high school buddies were leaving 水牛 to explore new things. 她想和他们一起去. 而不是, her parents offered to sign her up and pay for a one-year executive secretarial program at 布赖恩特 & 斯特拉顿学院的东山校区. 这最终成为她人生的转折点. 

“老实说,我不想去上学,”黛比说. “我一直有一份工作,一直在工作, and I wanted to go with my friends to Florida and just keep making money. But it turned out to be a foundational year that resulted in a fantastic career for decades.” 

在她的课程结束时, 1979年末, DuPont came to the campus with the aim of recruiting 布赖恩特 & Stratton学生. “They said they wanted the cream of the crop, and they came to 布赖恩特 & 斯特拉顿对这个项目的学生进行面试和测试. 我准备得很充分. I could type 80 words per minute and 120 in shorthand — which was a big deal in those days,”她说。. “DuPont hired three of us after reviewing our test results.毕业后, Debbie and two other students in the class began working at DuPont, 她在哪里度过了接下来的30年. “我在科比学到的技能 & Stratton allowed me to rise quickly through the ranks and receive multiple promotions,” she added.


同年, 黛比的祖父, 弗兰克Buzydlowski, 他从布莱恩特大学获得了商学学位 & Stratton decades earlier, was invited to attend a special luncheon hosted by the College. “He went into the business program after the war,”她说。. “It was incredible to be graduating from the program at the same time my grandfather was being celebrated at that luncheon for his accomplishments. 一切都回到了原点.” Frank worked at Studebaker-Worthington as an efficiency expert who performed time studies for the company until he retired. 


黛比从杜邦公司退休后,搬到了佛罗里达州. After seven years in the Sunshine State, she moved back to 水牛. When the pandemic hit, she looked for and found remote work with GEICO, a job she still holds today. 

虽然她很享受在GEICO的工作, she wanted to find a part-time job that would better accommodate her lifestyle. 她从下午两点半开始上下午班.m. 到1 a.m. 想换工作. “我真的不知道从哪里开始,”她说. “我决定打电话给母校寻求建议.”


黛比的电话 利记app官网 结果是个惊喜. “I made a call to the main number and spoke with a wonderful woman who was so helpful and said she would have someone get back to me. 我的电话很快就得到了回复. 这是一个很好的后续.” 

Debbie worked with the 利记app官网 team to update her resume and explore her job options. “I thought it was a shot in the dark, but they made it so easy for me. 这是个人风格. It reminds me of when I went to school there; there was always a personal touch. We had this teacher — our shorthand teacher — who invited the whole class to her house for breakfast one day. 她给我们大家做了巧克力薄饼. 我从未忘记这一点. 布赖恩特 & 斯特拉顿一直是一个充满关爱的环境. 那里的人希望你成功.”

Debbie’s resume has already been updated, and she is ready to explore new options. “I have not started looking yet,”她说。, “but I’m ready! 他们又给我准备好了.” She and her grandfather were her only family members to graduate from 布赖恩特 & 斯特拉顿,她说. “这是正确的一步. I don’t think I would have ended up in a Fortune 500 company if I had gone to Florida out of high school. 这对我来说是一个很好的选择.”


我们对学生的支持不会随着毕业而结束. Ongoing help is provided to alumni, no matter when they need it. 校友 can come back for help with career strategies and advice, 以及负担得起的继续教育. Whether job-seeking assistance is needed right now or 10 years from now, we provide our graduates with the same access to personalized career support from knowledgeable professionals that our active students receive. 免费!

我们的校友是一个超过10人的网络的一部分,000 graduates strong and have access to a variety of resources, 包括:

• 简历审核和支持

• 面试准备

• 求职策略

• 职业生涯辅导

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个性化的职业规划 – Our knowledgeable 利记app官网 team helps you navigate your individual career path after graduation. 

实习机会 – 实习机会 for campus-based students provide real-world experience and networking opportunities to jump-start their careers. Our 利记app官网 team can help you find an internship opportunity that may even turn into a full-time career opportunity. Plus, the experience you gain from your internship will prove invaluable in the interview process. Our students complete a capstone course designed to provide them with excellent opportunities to practice and display what they have learned in the classroom.

恢复发展 -我们有专家教你 如何写简历 or review your resume for the structure, formatting, and language that appeal to employers.

面试准备 —适当的准备可以防止性能下降. Take part in interview prep to polish your answers and avoid common missteps. You may even have the opportunity to participate in mock interviews in which local employers provide real feedback that gives you the competitive advantage you may need to get hired.

策略性求职建议 – Finding a job is more than submitting an online application. Our 利记app官网 associates can help you learn how to navigate the complexities of today’s marketplace. We work hard at building relationships with local employers to ensure they can provide you with career opportunities that can lead to quicker entry into the workplace upon graduation.

