
Graphic 设计 校友 Turns Internship to Full-Time Job at Global Vending Group

Graphic 设计 alumni Charles Underhill stands with his work

“I have never been 支持ed by any school, company, or group of people like at 利记app官网- and then a school became my family.——查尔斯·安德希尔

A degree in Graphic 设计 opens the door to many possibilities in the creative world. 布莱恩特平面设计专业的学生 & 斯垂顿学院 are prepared to pursue a number of career opportunities with advertising and marketing firms, 公关机构, media and graphic production businesses, and many other unique graphic 设计 positions. 利记app官网 alumnus Charles Underhill talks about his college career and internship and career opportunities; gives advice; and more.

Describe your college career at 利记app官网.

I moved to the 水牛, 纽约, area after growing up and living in North Carolina my entire life. After high school, 30 years ago, I went straight to college, and it didn’t work out. I was only a number in such a massive place, but at 布赖恩特 & Stratton, I am a name, I am a person, and I am cherished. I was alone when I moved to 水牛, “and then a school became my family.” Faculty, staff, and students made going to class something that I would look forward to. I was always given help when I asked for it, and I enjoyed helping my peers and seeing them succeed as well.Graphic 设计 alumni Charles Underhill shows off his work

对科比有什么特别的看法吗 & 斯垂顿学院 who contributed to your success?

Diane Czaplicki in 利记app官网 at the 阿默斯特, 纽约, campus helped me find an internship at Global Vending Group that eventually turned into a career. My graphic 设计 classes with Barbara Wenke and Ligia Hubert had me extremely prepared for my role at Global Vending Group. Both Barbara and Ligia were always willing to share their decades of experience in the graphic 设计 industry. With their 支持 along with that of many others, I was able to get w在这里 I am today.

什么是Global Vending Group?

Global Vending Group is one of the world’s leading vending machine distributors specializing in sales, 支持, 部分, 设计, 和服务. They offer vending machines for everything from snacks and drinks to books and personal protective equipment.Charles Underhill graphic 设计 vending machine work

What are your key responsibilities at Global Vending Group?

When I started at Global Vending Group, I was strictly applying vinyl graphics on vending machines. After I started to gain experience and got closer to earning my degree, I was able to begin creating 设计s for book vending machines for different schools based off of their specific requests. 除了, I convert small and/or low-resolution images into vector art that can be used on different vending machines.

你的科比怎么样? & 斯垂顿学院 experience prepare you for this role?

布莱恩特大学的平面设计课程 & 斯垂顿学院 gives you experience and knowledge in the Adobe suite. In my current role as a graphic 设计er, I use Illustrator every day to create 设计s. I’ve used the skills from my graphic 设计 classes as well as the art skills that I’ve built to make myself an asset at the company, 即使在几个月之后.

What would you say to someone considering the graphic 设计 program at 利记app官网?

The graphic 设计 program will teach you the tools necessary for today’s field of commercial art. The program combined with utilizing career services can lead you to a lifetime of success. 利记app官网 will do their best to help get you an internship or a job that will set you up to be successful. If you have any questions or problems, you can always find someone to talk to. 如果是你的导师也没关系, 利记app官网, 或就业服务, 他们总是会倾听和帮助你. Communication is the key to success, and you will get what you put into the program and more.

Learn more about our graphic 设计 programs 在这里!

