
BSC Bobcat Jaivon Harrison wins All-American Honor

Athlete Jaivon Harrison high jumper at track meet.

Jaivon Harrison recently earned an All-American honor for his second-place finish by clearing 2.17米(7英尺).5 inches) in the high jump at Nationals, earning his third All-American award as a 布赖恩特 & 斯特拉顿学院山猫队. Harrison earned his trip to nationals after reaching the 2.02-meter mark at a track meet in December, automatically qualifying him for the national championships in May. He also won the national championships award in the high jump at the 2021 NJCAA National Championships.

Coach Brian Lief first saw Harrison when Lief returned to his own high school, 俄亥俄州的Shaker Heights高中, 去看他以前的球队比赛. 哈里森当时是大三学生. “I noticed right away how talented Jaivon was. The next year, in my first year as a coach at 布赖恩特 & Stratton, 我开始招募杰冯, and could sense how committed he was to the sport and his focus on doing whatever it took to develop his skills,”他说。. “He told me that he learned how to high jump by watching YouTube videos, and I knew that with the resources and coaching that we could provide, 他可以在这里实现他的目标.”

利夫加入了利记app官网 威斯康辛州 men’s and women’s cross-country coaching staff in March 2019 as an assistant coach and recruitment coordinator. In June of 2021, Lief was announced as director of Cross Country and Track & 场. 当招聘, Lief focuses on building relationships with potential student-athletes to ensure that their transition from high school to college is as smooth as possible.

Harrison admitted that his grades coming out of high school weren’t that great, but he knew that he could be a top 10 athlete. “Coach Lief took the time to get to know me and was great at helping me stay ‘on track.’ He was always on me about my grades and challenged me to be great at school — not just sports,哈里森说. 我的指导顾问, 达内尔, also kept it real with me — he wanted me to have straight A’s and always showed me that there was room for improvement.”

Based on input from his parents, Harrison chose to study business. “当我上商务课的时候, I feel like I’m gaining so much insight into real-world things that can be used in every environment,哈里森说. ”科比 & Stratton helped me become a stronger communicator and has given me more experiences. With those experiences, I get more knowledge.”

Having completed his two years at BSC, Jaivon is heading on to Texas Tech. There he will work with a high-jump specialist coach. He is very thankful for his time at 布赖恩特 & Stratton.

”利记app官网 was a great match for me. The class sizes were small — with only maybe 15-20 students AND with teachers who encouraged active participation. 每个人都很支持. I also now have a wonderful diverse group of friends. BSC has helped turn me into the man I am today.”

Coach Lief and his team are currently looking for both cross-country and track-and-field student-athletes for 2022. BSC will start to recruit the class of 2023 in September 2022. 奖学金 are available for both sports.

Lief shared that when he’s recruiting, he looks for dedicated student-athletes with a positive attitude who are willing to work hard to be successful. “I also look at how they may fit at our school and on our team,”他说。. “BSC is special because of the resources we can provide to help all students be successful. All students have access to advisers, 导师, mentors and career service representatives who will help them throughout their collegiate experience and even beyond it.”

了解更多关于科比的信息 & 斯垂顿学院’s athletic programs, please visit http://bscbobcats.com.

