
新学生焦点: 认识金伯利·肯尼迪

New student Kim Kennedy smiles with her award

新学生焦点: 认识金伯利·肯尼迪

计划: AAS医疗辅助

校园: 奥尔巴尼,纽约

“Whenever I walk onto the campus, I am welcomed with open arms. I am so glad to have people like that in my life.——金·肯尼迪

As a recent high school graduate, Kimberly Kennedy knew that she wanted to continue her education and follow her dreams of working in healthcare. 在年轻的时候, Kim discovered her love and passion for the medical field but wasn’t sure what path she wanted to pursue.

When starting her college search, Kim was open to all the possibilities the healthcare field had to offer. Her admiration for the different branches of the medical field inspired her, and she knew that she wanted to be able to help and give back to her small community.

During one of her high school classes, Kim connected with admissions coordinator Alicia Mero from 利记app官网, who was able to share with Kim all the healthcare options that the college offers. This allowed Kim to see the potential job outcomes of each career path in healthcare to see what aligned best.New student Kim Kennedy smiles with her award

金参观了科比 & 奥尔巴尼的斯特拉顿学院, 纽约, where she was able to see for herself all the advantages that the college would give her, 包括小班授课, 更新教室, and one of the programs she had been looking into, 医疗协助.

Following in her sister’s footsteps, Kim made the decision to commit to college and continue her education right out of high school in the 医疗协助 program at 布赖恩特 & 斯特拉顿学院. “I have always dreamt of this, and now it is becoming a reality,金说。.

Kim credits her journey to the college to Alicia and everything that she did to make the transition from high school to college easier. 金说, “Alicia has helped me through so much and continues to check in on me to make sure that I have everything prepared for when I start classes. She is amazing, and I am so glad that I met her, because without her I would not be where I am today.”

结识新朋友, 与教师互动, and starting hands-on procedures in her classes are just a few things that Kim is looking forward to in starting her college career. “Just looking at the classes that I will be taking during my college journey is making me excited to get moving down my career path,金说。.

Kim’s goal after she earns her 医疗协助 degree is to work in pediatrics, as she enjoys working with children and feels that is the role that will suit her best. Her passion for both children and healthcare has allowed her to find a career that she loves.

“Everyone at the college has been checking in on me, making sure I have everything done, 而且帮了大忙,Kim解释道. As she prepares for classes to start, she feels confident that she will be successful at 布赖恩特 & Stratton and will be able to find a routine that works for her.

Although the transition from high school to college isn’t always easy, 金说, “The small class sizes will help me feel the most comfortable. I am excited to have a personalized education and build relationships with my instructors and peers. I am feeling confident and am looking forward to starting the 医疗协助 program.”

