Questions to Ask Before you Consider a 人力资源 Degree

If you are dreading going in to work every day, t在这里’s a good chance you are in a serious job rut and it might be time for a change. During your employment it is likely that you encountered and interacted with an HR professional. But, have you ever stopped to ask if human resources is a good career for you?

The human resources department is extremely important at any company or place of employment for almost every field and industry. 人力资源专员, 和其他人力资源专业人士, serve as liaisons between employees and their employer. You might be a good fit for a career in HR if you consider yourself a people person or enjoy working closely with others. Though some level of a human resources degree is required to be an HR specialist, t在这里 are a number of natural human resources skills from your experience in the workforce that can transfer to this career as well. If you are wondering what skills you might already have that can help you in HR, ask yourself the following questions.

1. 我是一个好的沟通者吗?

Do you have experience in a position w在这里 you were required to use your communication skills? The ability to communicate clearly and effectively is a key asset that you can leverage while working in HR. Since the role of human resources specialists 和其他人力资源专业人士 is to serve as a liaison between employees and their employer. HR specialists are often charged with informing employees on company policy or relaying employee concerns or ideas to the company’s leadership team. In order to best serve both parties, communication is key.

2. 我能做出艰难的决定吗?

Individuals make decisions on a daily basis but some decisions, especially ones that affect others, might be more difficult to make. Are you able to make well-informed and fair decisions? HR specialists often have to make tough decisions w在这里 the right choice is not always obvious. Their responsibilities sometimes include making hiring decisions or enforcing company policy. The ability to remain levelheaded and objective is important for those interested in this career.

3. 我是一个有条理的人吗?

Being organized isn’t something that comes easy to everyone. Those who enjoy staying organized possess a valuable character trait needed for HR effectiveness. The duties of a HR specialist usually include maintaining employee records and company files. Depending on the company size, this could be a considerable task.

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, you already possess some of the skills needed to be an HR specialist. Pursuing a human resources degree may be the first step toward the professional change you were looking for. 点击 在这里 for more information on taking that step.

